Like many other arcade games though, this game extremely difficult. I wasn't expecting the next Gran Tourismo, but this game never claims to be, and instead basks in its own wackiness. Alongside the cartoonish crash physics, it's clear the developers weren't taking themselves too seriously and this helps make Daytona a blast to play - just so long as you aren't looking for ultra realism. Even if you don't buy this game, I'd recommend checking out the soundtrack.

The music in this game is very odd, and undoubtedly SEGA - it's so bad it sort of does a complete 180 and becomes undeniably awesome. RGB sliders allow you to create custom paint jobs for each car, which another welcome extra.

Cars each have different stats and control very differently, so it is easy to find a driving style that suits you best.

There is a vast array of tracks to race around (Although initially it may seem like there is only eight, all tracks have a regular, reverse, mirror, and mirror reverse mode, effectively giving you 32 tracks.) and a bunch of unlock-able cars. This is pure arcade racing action at its best - no unbalanced or irritating power-ups, it's just down to you and your driving skill. Although the visuals won't blow anyone way, it's the thrilling, fast-paced game play that brings you back to this arcade classic time and time again. This is pure arcade racing action at its best - no unbalanced or irritating power-ups, it's just down to you and your driving Just recently picked this game up, and I've gotta say this is currently my personal favourite SEGA Dreamcast title. Just recently picked this game up, and I've gotta say this is currently my personal favourite SEGA Dreamcast title.