Then, having a huge range of formats to export to means that I can share these ideas with pretty much anyone I need to, or move it into another application in order to turn it into a linear format to work from. This app has changed my life! Being able to create mind maps whenever and wherever I am means that I’m not locked to my desk or my computer when I want to create vibrant, visual documents that I can use to store ideas and information.

External Projector support (in addition to mirroring). Search (map names, topics, notes, links) across all maps. Over 100 builtin icons, 90 clipart images and 35 background canvas patterns.

Multiple link styles (curved, tapered, right angled etc). Advanced Mindmap Features: Multiple layouts (horizontal, vertical, fishbone etc).

Email task reports (by project, by resource). Task Management: Assign start/due date, effort, progress, priority and resources. Style support (predefined collections of colors, fonts, shapes etc). Hyperlinks (websites, other maps, other topics). Flexible Topic Attributes: Colour / Shape. Upload and download community generated maps from Biggerplate. Cut/Copy/Paste within and between maps and other apps (e.g. Share (Twitter, Facebook and other apps e.g. Hand off (start editing a map on one device - finish up on another). Plays nicely: Cloud synchronisation with iCloud, Dropbox and WebDAV. plus import only support for CMAP, Scapple, Mindnode, Mindmapper and MyThoughts. Highlights: Import and export to and from many of the most popular desktop application formats: MindManager. Not sure if iThoughts is right for you? Try the free iThoughts2go app first. Mindmapping enables you to visually organise your thoughts, ideas and information. IThoughts is a mindmapping tool for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch (Mac and Windows version also available.).